

Feb. 16, 2022 Virtual event
The recent scholarly, political and public debates on EU–Turkey relations reflect the current deadlock in the accession process and are largely dominated by functional areas of cooperation such as trade, migration and energy. In this alumni-driven project we want to bring back the civil socie…

Karrieremesse Internationale Organisationen - ONLINE

Jan. 27, 2022 Virtual event
Am 28. und 29. Januar 2022 veranstaltet das Auswärtige Amt die 17. Karrieremesse Internationale Organisationen. Nach dem erfolgreichen Online-Debut der Messe, das über 3000 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer mit mehr als 50 Ausstellern zusammenbrachte, findet die Messe erneut in einem digita…

CANCELLED | Humboldt Lecture about Europe by Didier Reynders

Jan. 27, 2022 Virtual event
The EU Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, will speak on "Europe and the Rule of Law" on 27 January at 3 pm. Prior to his term as Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders held the office of Deputy Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium. Previously, he served as Minister of Foreign Affair…

Macht mehr Chinesisch: Wirklichkeiten und Möglichkeiten des Schulfachs in Deutschland

Jan. 20, 2022 Virtual event
Das ver­gleichsweise junge Schulfach „Chinesisch“ ist aktuell in Deutschland bereits an 121 Schulen in 14 Bundes­ländern als Wahlpflichtfach etabliert – an vielen davon auch als Abiturfach. Gleichzeitig sind grundlegende Fragen zu Inhalten und Lernzielen des Fachs noc…

Mercator Alumni Meet-Up Ruhr | Let´s go ice curling!

Jan. 6, 2022 Essen
We ring in the new year with an encounter on the ice and invite you to our next alumni meeting in the Ruhr area to the ice rink of the Zeche Zollverein in Essen! The illuminated facility along the coke ovens and chimneys is a highlight in the wintry Ruhr region and offers not only an ice skating r…

Registration deadline: Dec. 22, 2021

Europe Debates | German-Turkish relations: Ditching "constructive dialogue"?

Dec. 17, 2021 Virtual event
This event is part of ECFR’s Re:shape Global Europe project funded by Stiftung Mercator, organised in cooperation with the Centre for Applied Turkey Studies (CATS) at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). Guests Nilgün Arısan Eralp, EU Director at the Eco…

Franco-German to-dos: What is the agenda for the post-election period

Dec. 14, 2021 Virtual event
What pressing issues do France and Germany need to jointly address in the coming year? Politics are in motion on both sides of the Rhine: While Germany is just about to form a new government, France looks towards presidential and national assembly elections in the first half of 2022. As political c…

Registration deadline: Dec. 14, 2021

MERCATORA: Gender Competency, Unconscious Bias and Leadership Skills (Module 2)

Dec. 9, 2021 Virtual event
Welcome to the second seminar module of the 2021/22 edition of our Alumnae Careerbuilding program Mercatora! Women in management positions are often exposed to the "double-bind" problem - they must be considered neither too feminine nor too masculine. Women therefore have to deal with their gen…

Mercator Impuls: #BTW21 - Digitaler denn je. Eine Diskussion über Social Media, die Bundestagswahl und die Demokratie

Dec. 7, 2021 Virtual event
Die diesjährige Bundestagswahl war digitaler als jede andere vor ihr. In der Pandemie verlagerten sich der Wahlkampf und die gesellschaftlichen Debatten noch stärker in die sozialen Medien. Vor der Wahl war die Sorge groß, dass Manipulationsversuche, Desinformation und Hassrede unte…

Registration deadline: Dec. 7, 2021

3. KoMet-Tag - "Smart Metropolitan Solutions - Wege zu klimaneutralen und resilienten Städten"

Dec. 6, 2021 Virtual event
Wie können Smart-City-Ansätze für die Bewältigung aktueller Herausforderungen einer klimaneutralen und resilienten Stadtentwicklung aus sozialer, technischer und ökologischer Perspektive genutzt werden? Welche (un)erwünschten Nebenwirkungen verbinden sich mit dem Konze…

Mercator Alumni Meet-Up Stuttgart

Dec. 2, 2021 Virtual event
Dear Mercator Alumni,we would like to initiate a Mercator alumni group for the regions of Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Heidelberg, Mannheim etc.. To get started, we will meet on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at lake "Feuersee" in the west of Stuttgart for a cozy outside get-together with punch and mulled win…

Registration deadline: Dec. 2, 2021

How Germany became Home: Remembering 60 Years of German-Turkish Recruitment Agreement

Nov. 26, 2021 Virtual event
It all started with a signature. 60 years ago, the agreement on the recruitment of foreign workers was signed with Turkey. The immigration of people from Turkey is a story of ups and downs, of strokes of fate, but also of moments of happiness and great successes that have left a lasting mark on our…

Humboldt-Rede zu Europa: Sauli Niinistö, Präsident der Republik Finnland

Nov. 23, 2021 Virtual event
How do the presidents of the European member states and other high-ranking representatives of European institutions assess the current situation and future of the European project? The Humboldt Speeches on Europe would like to provide an answer to this question. The President of the Republic of Fi…

Mercator Impuls: Mehr Bürgerbeteiligung in der Klimapolitik: Hype oder Heilmittel?

Nov. 18, 2021 Virtual event
Die Ausweitung von Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten für Bürger*innen gilt gemeinhin als wesentliches Element einer erfolgreichen Klimaschutzpolitik und ist vielfach bereits gelebte Praxis. Denn effektiver Klimaschutz ist eine komplexe und zugleich drängende politische und gesellschaftl…

Mercator Impuls: Der Digital Services Act (DSA) — Europas neues Grundgesetz fürs Internet?

Nov. 17, 2021 Virtual event
Mit dem Digital Services Act (und dem daran gekoppelten Digital Market Act DMA) steht die Europäische Union kurz davor, eine umfassende Reform der Plattformregulierung und des digitalen Binnenmarkts zu beschließen. Hat dieses neue „Grundgesetz“ des europäischen Inter…

Join the Twelth "State of Europe" Speech by EU Council President Charles Michel!

Nov. 9, 2021 Berlin
This year's Europe Speech with Mr Charles Michel, President of the European Council, will take place as part of the "We are Europe!" initiative on Tuesday 9 November 2021 at 19:00. The Europe Speech is an annual statement by Europe's highest representatives on the nature and state of Europe. The p…

Registration deadline: Nov. 5, 2021

25 Years of Stiftung Mercator. "Building Bridges. Rethinking." | Mercator Salon on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Stiftung Mercator

Oct. 27, 2021 Virtual event
We are looking forward to a digital salon with a varied program, where we will take a look at the work done and the future work of Stiftung Mercator from different perspectives. This Mercator Salon marks the end of the salon series celebrating the 25th anniversary of Stiftung Mercator. Representat…

Registration deadline: Oct. 26, 2021

Rethinking Climate Change, Sustainability and Innovation: Discussing Academic and Policy Perspectives on the Upcoming Transformation

Oct. 26, 2021 Virtual event
The European Green Deal aims to transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient economy that reduces net emissions to zero by 2050 while at the same time ensuring economic growth and improving people`s health. Research and innovation are key prerequisites for tackling the challenges that com…

Registration deadline: Oct. 21, 2021

Zukunft einer postmi­gran­ti­schen Gesell­schaft – Wir feiern 10 Jahre JIK!

Oct. 25, 2021 Virtual event
Nicht nur die Stiftung Mercator feiert Geburtstag - auch die Junge Islam Konferenz (JIK) begeht dieses Jahr ein Jubiläum. Die JIK wird 10 Jahre alt und lädt zu diesem Anlass herzlich ein zu einer Sonderausgabe der Reihe „JIK Talks“ in Berlin und digital. Zehn Jahre ist es her…

Live-Concert „Deutsch­land­lie­der - Almanya Türküleri“

Oct. 23, 2021 Essen
In 1961, in October, the German-Turkish recruitment agreement was signed.  The so-called Turkish "guest workers" came -  and brought along their music. Unheard by their German fellow citizens, they sang of wanderlust, of arriving, of love and of their working life, danced to their music a…